The Attempt to Save Mankind

Jeg fik kendskab til MMS for nogle år siden, og fik skaffet produktet fra udlandet. Jeg kan ikke fortælle om midlets virkning på grund af lovenen i Danmark. Midlet er clorite , som aktiveres via citron, der derved bliver fyldt med ilt. Når du indtager det, drikker det, aktiveres dit eget immunforsvar. Det  er almindelig kendt at clorite anvendes i mange sammenhænge for at gøre det af med uønskede bakterier.

Jeg blev så begejstret for produktet at jeg her på henviste til steder det kunne købes i udlandet. Men det er ikke tilladt i flg. Fødevarestyrelsen, da produktet ikke er godkendt i Danmark. I januar i år mødte 2 repræsentanter iklædt sorte uniformer op i min klinik og bad mig om øjeblikkelig at slette samtlige ting jeg havde skrevet om MMS. En lidt voldsom fremgangsmåde, synes jeg. Jeg blev selvfølgelig meget overvældet ved besøget og turde ikke andet end at slette samtlige links og beskrivelser af MMS. Hvis jeg ikke havde gjort det, ville jeg få en bøde. Nu har jeg i stedet fået lov til at betale Fødevarestyrelsen`s uventede besøg i klinikken på kr. 1300 i omkostninger.
Jeg undrer mig over, hvorfor de ikke sendte et brev, og bad mig om at tage MMS henvisningen af mine hjemmesider.

Men nu undrer det mig ikke længere efter at have fået nyhedsbreve fra Jim Humble ( udvikler af MMS), hvor han beskriver hvordan forhandlere i andre lande får besøg af uniformerede folk, der forbyder produktet.

Hvorfor så sådan et postyr for et produkt. Jo som jeg ser det, og har hørt fra Jim Humble, så er MMS et produkt der er meget specielt ( må ikke nævne hvad ).
Jim Humble har bl.a gjort et stort stykke arbejde for udbrede kendskabet til MMS i Afrika, hvor han har arbejdet med mennesker, der har været smittet af Malaria.

En fantastisk opdagelse, men Clorit kan du ikke tage patent på, og derfor ser Medicinal industrien det som en trussel. . Der må virkelig være muligheder i dette produkt siden Medicinal industrien, og regeringer rundt omkring i verdenen prøver på at stoppe Jim Humble`s arbejde for at udbrede kendskabet til MMS.

Jeg har kopieret noget af dette nyhedsbrev fra Jim Humble, hvor du selv kan orientere dig. Håber meget at du vil støtte hans arbejde og tilmelde dig hans nyhedsbreve.

Hilsen Helle

– med håb om at Danmark kan blive et land, hvor vi prioriterer sundheden fremfor profit !

Jim Humble MMS Newsletter

The Attempt to Save Mankind

On 11/10/2010, the English Government attacked MMS again this time, big time.They arrive at two different people’s homes who have sold MMS and stole everything they had. As far as I am concerned the following stories are stories of heros. I’ll get permission to give you their names next time. The Trading Standards (of England) came with Dogs, with guns, a film crew, 20 police, and a large van and took everything from his home. The Government Terrorist Squad came to his home, with guns,dogs, 20 police, and a van and he made them a cup of tea, and gave them a mini seminar on MMS.

Well of course, they went ahead and stole by force everything in his home, but at least they had a seminar before they took it all!

And then look at this: The English Government also visited John and took many of his items and several days later they came back again, but this time he showed them his Genesis II Church of Health and Healing Certificate and his Minister of Health Certificate.  This time they went away without taking anything and without doing any damage.  The last and only thing that Mankind has left to save him is his respect for churches.

And of course, if England had not degenerated into a police state they would have checked to see if these people were actually selling MMS, and if they were selling it, the Tradings Standards would have taken these people to court and presented the evidence of sales of a dangerous substance if such evidence existed.

The statement that they made that the US FDA had reports of people who had severe stomach trouble was a lie by the US FDA as they didn’t even investigate the reports as I check that out. What happened was several people called in and stated something about a stomach ache, but the FDA did not investigate the phone calls. And as the information has progressed from one country to the next each country has embellished on the story until it really scares the average person, but let me tell you this: Every piece of meat and the vegetables that you eat are mostly treated with FDA approved sodium chlorite (that’s MMS) and they are not washed after being treated (Because MMS is not really poisonous after all). It’s just that if people continue to treat themselves with MMS for various diseases both the government and the pharmaceutical companies stand to loose billions of dollars, so they are going to fool you into thinking that the most beneficial chemical that mankind has ever known and that has ever existed is poisonous.  It has save hundreds of thousands of lives so far.

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